Moneymakehersmile was all smiles at the finish line as she collected the cash by winning the $15,500 Open Pace for the filly and mares on Wednesday afternoon (April 5) at a soggy Buffalo Raceway.
It may have been April Fool's Day on Saturday (April 1) but CR Blazin Beauty didn't fool around in Buffalo Raceway's $17,500 Open Trot as the lone mare in the event handled the seven gentlemen sidewinders by 4-1/2 lengths in 2:01.1 over the "sloppy" track.
The 2022 harness racing season came to a close at Batavia Downs on Saturday (Dec. 17) and although some declines in handle were realized, the New York half-mile racetrack performed better than many national trends.
The 2022 racing season came to a close at Batavia Downs on Saturday (Dec. 17) and although some declines in handle were realized, the track performed better than many national trends. The track recorded its fourth-highest total on-track handle for Batavia live racing since Western Regional OTB reopened the track in 2002, finishing only $33,599 behind the 2021 totals while
Just Plain Loco is just plain special to owner Paul Lang. The six-year-old male pacer has been claimed from Lang on several occasions, but Lang, who was one of the horse’s original owners when he was purchased as a yearling, always gets him back.