“The Godfather” opens with a scene where a father comes to Don Vito Corleone to beg him to administer justice to the animals who brutally beat up his daughter. I was reminded of this scene watching the first episode of the new “Book of Boba Fett” series because there’s a scene in it where different […]
Nearly four decades after he was thought to have died in the Sarlacc Pit at the beginning of Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett returns in a new trailer for The Book of Boba Fett, along with two new posters
The Tatooine criminal underworld is looking for a new leader after Jabba the Hutt's death, and Boba will have to do whatever it takes to keep the power.
Flashdace star Jennifer Beals will appear in the upcoming Star Wars series as a Twi'lek woman who crosses paths with Temuera Morrison's reformed bounty hunter.