Star-studded ensemble comedy series Kombucha Cure has won six Telly Awards! The winners for the 44th Annual People’s Telly Awards have been announced, and Kombucha Cure dominated with six honors! The show was awarded for Drama Online, Directing Online, Writing Online, Editing Online, Trailer, and Responsibility Online. Kombucha Cure, from writer and director Cecilia Choi. Read More
Kombucha Cure has been nominated for People’s Choice: Online Series at the Telly Awards! The star-studded ensemble comedy series from writer and director Cecilia Choi (Blinded, Palm Sunday) is up for People’s Choice: Online Series/Shows/Segments at the 44th Annual People’s Telly Awards. The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens. It. Read More
Kelly Ripa’s memoir, ‘Live Wire: Long-Winded Short Stories’ gets real about aging and details her first Botox experience, which, she writes, was “like magic.”
Until We Meet Again Full Movie online with release date, trailer, cast and songs. Find out where you can watch or stream this Romance film in English on DIgit Binge.
Actors Tamara Braun and Mike Manning deliver the Greatest Performances of the Week on the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives. Digital Journal has the scoop.
Mike Manning plays Charlie Dale, and he is a revelation this week on the hit daytime drama. Viewers find out that Charlie is the son of Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun) and that he and Tripp are half-brothers; moreover, he is the one that is responsible for Allie Horton s (Lindsay Arnold) rape in London.
The scenes between Manning and his luminous acting partner, Tamara Braun are well-executed, bold, and convincing. He showcases feelings of anger, frustration, regret, and even vulnerability in an acting performance that really runs the gamut.