By Gimpy
Feb 23, 2021
Even doctors can be assholes. Back in January, an anesthesiologist in Florida was getting groceries at her local grocery store, when she approached the counter and put her groceries down as a Latino man was checking out. At first the man asked Dr. Jenifer Wright to keep proper distance in Spanish, and when she ignored the man, he asked again in English. All was well until she spotted the man putting his groceries in the car. That s when she came up to him in the parking lot and got within a foot of his face. That s when he asked her to back up again, but that set her off. After several expletives and telling him that we should have gotten rid of you when we could , and we should have burned you all , and This is not your Biden s America. This is my America , along with This is my country and we are going to get rid of every single one of you , the woman keyed and stabbed the man s car and told him that he needed to go back to his country. As if the $567 w