From extreme heat to worsening hunger and water shortages, accelerating climate change threatens "unimaginable" health consequences, scientists and health officials warned on Saturday on the sidelines of the COP26 U.N. climate talks in Glasgow.
traumatic events like extreme storms and heatwaves and wildfires and so forth can end up with ptsd, so, you know, lingering mental health effects from the trauma of those experiences. and, of course, anybody who is forced to migrate from their home really is extremely vulnerable to mental health issues as well as a number of others. or to mental health issues as well as a number of others. number of others. dr jeni miller at glasaow number of others. dr jeni miller at glasgow cop26. number of others. dr jeni miller at glasgow copzs, thank number of others. dr jeni miller at glasgow cop26, thank you. - sainsbury s has announced profits of more than half a billion pounds for the six months to the end of september. that compares to a statutory loss of £137 million for the prevous six months. profits have been boosted by higher grocery sales, lower covid costs, and exceptional income after settling legal disputes. sainsbury s ceo says the business is in a good position for christmas,
The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian is the longest running daily newspaper in the country, marking its centenary in 2017. The paper started life as the Trinidad Guardian on Sunday 2nd September 1917 by the newly formed Trinidad Publishing Company Limited.
The Global Climate and Health Alliance on Monday urged world leaders to make health and social equity the beating heart of COP26 negotiations. The body