jen, let me start with you, your react to the president s allegation that your former boss wiretapped his phones? well, i hadn t had enough coffee yet when the tweets started flying on saturday morning. but i think you look at the comments of everyone from former director of national sbrelgs james clapper to the reports by pamela brown about comey s comments, this is not even how it works. if there is a wiretapping that would go through the deputy of justice. that s not something the president orders, not this president, not trump, not treasures for decades. we are not surprised i wouldn t say i was surprised by the attack by president trump. remember, this is the same guy who has been peddling conspiracy theories including about president obama and whether he was born in the united states, for decades. this is something we talked about in the white house but this wasn t on the list. you know, yes, that s true, but at least at the beginning during the transition, president trump
i think they are really at risk of putting their own credibility they have put their credibility on the line here. and they continue to chip away at it. and that s not a place you want to be as a spokesperson or as a senior official, and certainly not as the president. and they haven t each had a crisis yet. what is happening now is we are starting to question the public comments of the president of the united states. people who work for him. and we haven t even faced a national crisis or an international crisis. that s not where you want to be if you are a senior member of the white house staff. i m guessing that s not where the current senior staff wants to be, for sure. jen sacky, mike rogers thank you so much for your insights, appreciate it. coming up next, the navy is investigating after explicit photos of female marines were posted on line without their knowledge. details on the male veteran who
put out in that. they clearly want to say there is unity and input and poem involved in this one much better than the rushed original one. most of his team wasn t even in place yet at the time that he signed it michele, thank you. just ahead, former obama administration director jen sacky reacts to the current president accusing her former boss of wire stapping him. from birth sfirkts, to crowd sizes to wiretapping, why donald trump seems to thrive on controversy. kim jong-un launched even more missiles. how will the u.s. respond? that s ahead. your insurance company won t replace the full value of your totaled new car.
and that s the only thing i can think trying to piece all this together. if you were still the chair of the intelligence committee would i just blow off the questions from the white house or the requests from the white house to investigate this? this would be the quickest part of any investigation, you haul in the fbi director, you haul in the national clandestine service folks and the criminal side of people who go through the process of applying for these warrants. and then you haul in the doj people responsible for the same thing, and you ask the question, i think you would have an answer probably within 30 minutes. this is not something that you can this is going to linger on for very long if the investigators are doing their job. jen, as somebody who was up until a month and a half ago sat in the white house directing communication strategy, just i know you said you are not surprised. but what do you make of what we ve seen never mind the last four or five weeks but in t
exists? i can deny it. there is no fisa court order. not to my knowledge. the you take anything the president tweeted. the plumbing doesn t work that way. it could not have happened the way he said it, that the president of the united states directed to have surveillance on someone. it hasn t been like that since the 1970s. it makes us vulnerable. weakens the united states and makes us vulnerable to our enemies. that s the danger. i should also add that the first director of national intelligence john negro pope was on this show an hour ago with a similar reaction. i want to talk about this with jen sacky who served as the communications director under president obama. also with me, mike rogers who was the chairman of the house intelligence committee.