speak about it publicly. you rally parents. you ask for as much help as you can get. right now, i feel like we need people running for our school board seats that are pro-education. we need people running for our state house seats and senate seats. we need a governor that is more pro-education and a department of education that actually values education. those are all things that are really difficult to address as one person in your classroom, but that s why i have been accepting opportunities to speak on behalf of teachers and our students. jen given, you re doing good work and we appreciate each and every teacher out there. because it s hard work. thank you so much. we appreciate you joining us today. want to turn now to canada s national capital of ottawa. police there aggressively pushing back protesters in canada s besieged capital today,
Thank you to the Monitor for printing the Washington Post story about the new laws silencing and vilifying teachers (“New Laws Worry Teachers,” 2/17). New Hampshire’s own Jen Given, who spoke so forcefully and eloquently at a recent Legislative.
This month, a confluence of events is reminding us that we must never yield from the mission to give young minds a full accounting of local, national and world history,