Good afternoon Everyone Welcome back to the 2024 mccain conference here at the u. S. Naval academy in annapolis maryland. I am Jeffrey Macris Deputy Director of the stockdale and its a great privilege to welcome another distinguished scholar. Doctors Francis Fukuyama the senior fellow at Stanford Universitys Friedman Institute for international and a faculty member of the center for Democracy Development of rule of law. Hes the director of dorsey master in International Policy professor by courtesy of Political Science. Dr. Fukuyama has written widely on issues of development and international politics. His 1992 book the end of history and the last man has appeared i2 over 20 foreign translations. His latest book is entitled liberalism. Francis fukuyama received his va from Cornell University and a ph. D. From harvard in Political Science but its a great honor to welcome to annapolis Francis Fukuyama. [applause] i guess its appropriate in the sense of liberalism, there he is okay. It w
[inaudible conversations] if afternoon, everyone, and welcome back to the 2024 mccain conference here at the u. S. Naval academy in nap if lis, maryland with. Im Jeffrey Macris with the center for ethical leadership, and its a great privilege to welcome yet another distinguished scholar here to annapolis. Dr. Francis puke yam ma is talk t about wrap ma is the senr fellow at the institute for International Studies and a faculty member at the center for Democracy Development and the rule of law. Hes also the director of dorsey masters in International Policy and a professor of political science. Dr. Fukuyamas written widely on issues of development and international politics. His 1992 book, the end of history and the last man, has appeared in over 20 foreign transalations. His latest book is entitled liberalism and its discontent. Francis fukuyama received his b. A. From cornell in classics and a ph. D. From harvard in political science, so its a great i honor to welcome profesr francis
Freedom. It is a big topic and it needs to be discussed and investigated. Host where do you begin talking about u. S. Involvement . Guest the u. S. Involvement in the valleys goes much further back. We specifically look at the persian and gulf even though they sent some ships it is really world for to the United States and military get involved in a big way. Surprisingly it does not have to do with the oil. World war ii marked the entry of the United States and its military to provide a secure pathway for supplies to the beleaguered soviet russian allies in their quest to defeat the germans. The persian gulf was one pathway to bring e equipment through the back channel through persia through the mountains picked up by a the russians by tehran. And a much smaller percentage were involved with trading missions with there and and saudi arabia. But our 60,000 uniformed troops left the supply Delivery Business to rush up. Those small numbers of the advisers stuck around for decades and that
The ability to resuscitator rehabilitate i always give the president the benefit of the doubt. The president deserves his team. General David Petraeus is a good choice. Got remember something about the army or the service. The Foreign Service like many of you, the war is not general David Petraeuss war, it is the president s war and the military, all the people who work in the government follow the policy of the elected civilian government. They can give their opinions and they need to end military leaders would have more forcefully given their opinions over the last five years, might be a lot better. I have not made any secret that i am very disappointed in some of these people. I have said publicly some of these guys in my opinion wouldnt be corporals in miami and some are four star generals. Nevertheless i am not the president. On the face of that they deserve their commanders. General David Petraeus is qualified. We will take yours and be real quick. I hope this is not too philosop
In buddhas company thai soldiers in the vietnam war what warded did Thailand Play . They were a very close ally during the vietnam war. People familiar would know that not only did thailand send troops to fight along the United States, but also served as a base for many aircraft for Bombing Missions over ho chi minh trail, over laos and at the time we had built seven their bases and developed a port as well to facilitate the u. S. Effort and also many soldiers went to bangkok and in terms of support thailand was the close ally. Host did they have soldiers . Absolutely. They spent 37 cent to 37,000 soldiers to fight in vietnam also they sent Smaller Naval units but definitely fighting and working with the United States and South Vietnamese. Host what about casualties . 500 that died in South Vietnam while fighting the the it cant vietcong. It is important because of those who dont know 10 to dismiss them as the insulting term is america and mercenaries because we paid for the military p