(Bloomberg) Oil driller Hilcorp Energy Co. is lavishing $75,000 bonuses on employees as reward for reaching multi-year expansion and production goals.
Workers will receive another $25,000 to donate to charities of their choice, closely held Hilcorp said in a statement on Friday.
The Little Rock Civil Service Commission on Thursday overturned the firing of David Mattox, a police officer who was terminated earlier this year because of his involvement in a 2020 indecent-exposure investigation in which his wife was one of the victims.
The Little Rock Civil Service Commission reconvened Wednesday to hear additional testimony in the appeal hearing for David Mattox, a police officer who was terminated because of his involvement in last year's search for a man suspected of exposing himself to women in the city.
Members of the Little Rock Civil Service Commission heard more testimony Friday during an appeal hearing for an officer who was terminated for his actions related to the search for a man exposing himself to women in the city, including the officer's wife.