murdaugh without an answer? at 9:29 p.m., there s a one-second outgoing call. at 9:42 p.m., there s a one second outgoing call, and at 9:57 p.m., there s a four-second outgoing call. reporter: when the caller, a friend couldn t reach paul, the special agent said he texted maggie murdaugh. what does he say? tell paul to call me. reporter: neither paul nor maggie ever responded. randi kaye joins us now live. does the e evidence show that maggie and paul murdaugh were dead by the time that person was trying to reach them by text? reporter: if you look at the evidence, prosecutors say that the murders took place between 8:30 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. now, we know they were alive at 8:45 p.m. because there is that video, which has audio on paul mur murdaugh s cell phone. that shows you can hear alex talking to his wife and son on
another witness for the state, special agent jeffrey croft testified about this video. for the first time, it shows investigators the day after the murders, searching parts of the murdoch home. including this gun room. outside, they found spent shell casings. there s two right there. it. yeah, later, special agent croft walked the jury through a series of missed calls and text messages to paul murdoch s phone. the night of the murders. can you tell the jury the times, starting at the bottom that he is trying to call paul murdoch, without an answer? at 9:29 pm there is a one second outgoing call. at 9:42 pm, there is a one second outgoing call and at 9:57 pm, there is a four second outgoing call. when they call, or a friend, could not reach paul.
go to the kennels until he found their bodies. earlier his defense attorney floated the idea that two guns could mean two shooters. is it a possible that there are two shooters based on the data you collected? reporter: but prosecutors were quick to point out one person could have used two guns. another witness for the state special agent jeffrey croft testified about this video. for the first time it shows investigators the day after the murders searching parts of the murdaugh home, including this gun room. outside they found spent shell casings. there s two right there? yep. they ve been there a little while? reporter: later special agent croft walked the jury through a series of missed calls and text messages to paul murdaugh s phone the night of the murders. can you tell the jury the times starting at the bottom that he s trying to call paul