The National Governors Association (NGA) held the 2023 Governors’ Advisors Energy Policy Institute in Providence, Rhode Island, August 1-3. This annual Energy Policy Institute convened Governors’ energy policy staff from across the country alongside experts, federal officials, private-sector practitioners and NGA partners to share energy policy solutions, learn best practices and participate in peer-to-peer exchanges […]
. . . Particularly the Immaculate Conception / Has Present-Day Protestantism Maintained the Classical “Reformational” Heritage of Mariology? This is a Exchange on the topic of Martin Luther's Mariology, with anti-Catholic Reformed Protestant Luther defender James Swan. I run rings around him, content-wise.
Jashaun Lamar Baker fta, 11/29 susp to 180 days, waive costs, assume old fines+costs Jacob Jessie Brown dom asslt, aggr asslt amended to dom asslt, 11/29 susp ts, cost, no cont w/ the victim.