FEMA and the Michigan State Police are assessing spring flooding damage across the Upper Peninsula this week in an effort for state and federal relief funds.
Hey Kalamazoo, Who Remembers The Band FAQ?
One thing I really like about Kalamazoo is that for years, it’s been a hotbed for creative and fun music. Not only do we have tons of awesome music venues but we also have a strong local scene. Hopefully once this pandemic is over, will be seeing a lot more local shows again. I’m also a fan of hitting up the record stores and seeing what gems I can come across. Yesterday, one such thing happened.
Strangely enough I was in a pawnshop going through the record collection when I came across a record by a band called FAQ which is an acronym for Foolish American Quartet. The record was actually sealed and had never been bought. When I turn it over I realized this was a Kalamazoo band because of where the post office box was marked as. Then I discovered that the album itself was recorded at Wayside West in 1989. There was no way I was going to pass this up.