Please wait outside if you care to speak submit a speaker card to make sure youre aware your name has been called for a particular item okay. As soon as an overflow room is made available ill let you all know where that is id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore and commissioner richards thank you, commissioners commissioners, the first item on your agenda is item for continuance item one the go affordable unit general plan amendment and two Affordable Housing bonus planning Code Amendment and next Affordable Housing and public Zoning District are proposed for that continuance until december 3rd, 2015, item 4 at 1126 irving street has been withdrawn i have a number of speakers commissioners. Okay. Opening it up for Public Comment for continuances Katherine Howard calling names and if you all want to line up on that side of the room pent. For those members of the publ
On transaction architectural power of vulnerability living in San Francisco is the most Perfect Place to live awhile building this business the third reason it is important you dont put the camp the reason airbnb is so powerful it is most Cultural Exchange that wouldnt be possible people from all over the world and bring their language and they bring their lack and traditions they bring so much to our home not as strangers but home we bridge the gap and feel a sense of belonging out stretch is it global it is remarkable im im grateful to be part of it. Thank you very much patrick. Yeah. Im patrick ive i would in my lower hate apartment since 1999 ive registered any primary residence as an airbnb host i welcome hosts sharing my home of San Francisco and the diverse neighborhood i live in im a freelance designer my mom suffered a stroke that left per who ever bound with 24 medical care airbnb has allowed me the flexibility and finances in addition my brother has a place to call home they
Question with similar rigor their own idealogy it used this to suggest we need more housing apply for the basic facts as supervisor farrell supervisor farrell says of housing only when the data contradicts the hows ideal metrological you cant have it both because with that said, i strongly supported supervisor campos legislation we need to regulate those shortterm rentals. Thank you alex are you here you already spoke. Okay chuck. Welcome. Thank you for trying to pronounce my last name im charles a long time resident of San Francisco a recent retire indicator educator i pay 8 thousand theres a year to San Francisco in property tax it is i think bunt to take care of my dabbled daughter my wife and i are spending several thousand dollars to model model our unit were licensed as everyone else is spoken but actuality that the kind of regulation that is proposed the thirty or 60 over and over 90 or hundred and 20 days any kind of days doesnt admit my swugs with all due respect it didnt work
Seriously under counting the number of days off the market we did building and promote that trickle down housing policy which not a lot of us dont do we have to be consistent we cant say to build build build over here and try to sweep under the carpet all the housing it didnt work that way and also, we have to take into consideration the spill over of the loss of the rental units and have to examine the proposition for the harm for the proportionate good im under counting the quality of life is proved improved before i this business i have to look at people that are sharing on sro room people that are homeless and their harm versus youre good roger are you here still all right. Pam are you here and lawrence and next and jamie learner. Mr. Roger. Good afternoon, supervisors im roger the president of the western council that represents 20 homeowners associations in San Francisco we support this is fair to homeowners that need extra money and to protect the singlefamily unit neighborhoods
Text messages between agencies whether should i i didnt or racism i it cops it was dictated that got those bad overlooks if you have nothing to hide why are you worried about when a report to done to analyze the shortterm rental responsibility e reports theres so many doubts of an objective analysis and perhaps that place a question on this might be advised to question with similar rigor their own idealogy it used this to suggest we need more housing apply for the basic facts as supervisor farrell supervisor farrell says of housing only when the data contradicts the hows ideal metrological you cant have it both because with that said, i strongly supported supervisor campos legislation we need to regulate those shortterm rentals. Thank you alex are you here you already spoke. Okay chuck. Welcome. Thank you for trying to pronounce my last name im charles a long time resident of San Francisco a recent retire indicator educator i pay 8 thousand theres a year to San Francisco in property ta