Fans of Chef Ravi Kapur's homemade SPAM and short rib steam buns can rest assured that Liholiho Yacht Club is indeed making its promised return this fall, nearly a year after closing in its temporary digs on 18th Street.
Did you eat yet? The words, a neon scrawl across Good Good Culture Club’s back wall, aren’t a question. To anyone who’s ever had a mother or a father or a grandparent who’s struggled to say “I love you,” they are an expression of love. So, too, is this sophomore effort from chef Ravi Kapur, whose la.
The menu at Liholiho Yacht Club in its 18th Street "pop-up" iteration has evolved and changed a bit since the original Liholiho in the TenderNob, and it's evolving some more and morphing into a new restaurant as of today, with a new name.