Widening, shes starting to speak out. My colleague Anderson Cooper spoke with her. When you first came down that escalator, when your husband first announced what was going through your mind . Were you excited . Yes. We were excited. I was excited. I was just looking forward to it. I didnt know what he would say. I didnt know the speech. But we were all excited. And, you know, it was an exciting time, actually, and its a lot of guts to have to do that kind of stuff. Has your opinion i read an interview you did i think back in talk magazine back in 2000 or 1999 and you said politics is a business. Has your opinion of politics changed in the last couple of months watching it so closely like you have . Oh, yes, it has. I follow it from a to z. I know exactly what is going on and of course it changes. Its many, many years ago, like 20 years ago almost . So, yes, it changed a lot. What do you think of the campaign so far . I mean, in the last couple of days, theres been all these fights bet