We cant say, because when you push on the numbers a little bit it turns out that nobody actually knows how many Illegal Immigrants live in this country. And when we say nobody knows, we mean nobody knows to within like 10 million. The estimate you hear from almost everyone is 11 million. 11 million illegal aliens living in this country. That number comes from pew. It hasnt changed in a decade,in and that should be a tipoff, because over the last decade, illegal arrivals have continued and, now states are activelyan sabotaging deportation efforts. The real figure it turns out is much, much higher. I. C. E. Director thomas homan admitted that much last year. Ur so we know 11 million is not correct. So whats the real number . Ir well, an unpublished paper by yale, three professors there, estimates there could be 23 million Illegal Immigrants in the United States. Their lowend estimate is 17 million. Even back in 2005, analysts at bear stearns guessed the real number was probably 20 millio