that s a majority, folks, of senator who is favor it, according to the washington post, after murkowski s coming out in favor of equality, josh bar rowe at insider noted the near-complete silence from conservative media on the announcement, writing that they are done engaging with the issue. but don t go popping bottles just yet. we know the struggle continues, because also on wednesday, a new study from the department of housing and urban development revealed that same-sex couples faced discrimination in the rental housing market. according to the study, heterosexual couples were favored other gay male couples in 15.9% of tests and over lesbian couples in 15.6% of tests. so amid signs of progress, a sign of just how far we still have to go. joining me again is aisha moodie-mills, the center for american progress, and joining her at the table is evan wilson, president of freedom to marry. jeff creely, the vice president and chief foundation officer at the human rights campaign, overs