Canadian Artists Model Their Signature Outfits
Nardwuar the Human Serviette, the Dirty Nil, Dominique Fils-Aimé and more show off their favourite clothing
Published Feb 08, 2021
With social gatherings off the table and a long, cold winter keeping everyone inside, there are far fewer reasons to get dressed up than there used to be. Like everyone, Canadian artists have been spending much of their time in pyjamas and sweats, with their best clothes hanging unworn in the closet.
Since it will still be a while before we see them onstage, we asked some of our favourite artists to put on their best outfits for a photo and they delivered glamorous shirts, retro athleisure, and even a plant pot on the head.
Hear the Vancouver artist s triumphant return with Two Kids and Dick Disciple
Published Jan 14, 2021
Like most of us, Jeff Cancade had a pretty rough 2020, but the Vancouver musician is now doing his best to pick himself back up and move onward and upward by reviving his beloved Devours project. Today Devours return comes via a pair of new songs, hinting that bigger things are hopefully just around the corner.
Devours new double A-single features the tracks Two Kids and Dick Disciple, which find Cancade sticking to his electro-leaning roots while also creatively branching out. Almost every Devours song centres around being insecure, gay and lost in my quest for connection, Cancade explains. Two Kids is about adolescent love, and missing out on an opportunity to explore my sexuality with a friend in my youth. Dick Disciple is about having an opportunity to hook up with an insanely hot Vancouver daddy, but sabotaging it because I was too unconfident.