WEST UNION — On the heels of the completion and reporting of required routine bridge inspections, information pertaining to the maintenance and repair of Fayette County bridges continues to be
WEST UNION — The Fayette County Compensation Board’s previously recommended salary increases of 9-25% for the county’s eight elected officials were assessed and new figures agreed upon Monday by Fayette
WEST UNION — Bruce Lehman was appointed chairperson of the Fayette County Supervisors as part of the board’s annual appointments Tuesday, Jan. 2. In addition, Jeff Bunn was appointed vice-chair.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) access has been approved for use by the Fayette County Assessor’s Office. The Fayette County Board of Supervisors provided unanimous support during their regular meeting Monday
According to recently released data from the Iowa Economic Development Authority, visitor spending within Fayette County increased 9.5% from 2021 to 2022, with visitors collectively spending nearly $17.5 million during