on sunday, every campaign except for jeb bush s, plans to send represents to washington to discuss changing the format. lindsey graham spoke about the current state of the republican debate process. i really do believe the process that we ve embarked upon has hurt us more than it s helped us. the republican national committee is not invited to that sunday meeting, but the rnc has decided to take their own action. chairman priebus sent a letter to nbc news today saying the rnc is suspending, not cancelling, suspending their partnership with nbc news and telemundo for the february debate. writing, quote, while debates are meant to include tough questions and contrast candidates vision and policies for the future of america, cnbc s motr moderators engaged in a series of gotcha questions, petty and mean-spirited.
holding a tailgate, as he tries to reassure supporters his campaign is not in a tailspin. on monday, he sets out on a three-stop jeb can fix it tour. and nbc news confirms that its chief operating officer is out. likely part of the campaign s stated plan to slash campaign costs 40%. they said, we re grateful to have had christine on the team. we respect her immensely. the highest ranking official noted to be leaving the campaign. among some frustration. jeb bush told kasie hunt how to do better in debates. i m going to have to do what other candidates do, rudely interrupt, not answer the questions that are asked and hopefully the moderators will have to ask more substantive questions as well. are you having fun? having qufun.
time and some controversy, do it, jeb, spark it up. do you think he needs to spark up the campaign, move to new hampshire? john kerry, ronald reagan, al gore, all had moments like this. they did a symbolic something. threw somebody overboard or moved their campaign and it got them the nomination. but i don t think dumping a coo, that s a business move. this is a campaign. people want to see a fired-up jeb bush. he s has to show them the fire in the belly. he has the money to are you concerned he doesn t have the fire? no, he does. he s really wants it. the joyful warrior, we haven t seen that in the campaign trail. that s the jeb that s got to show up to whatever debate and town hall and give some sharp answers and move on to the next topic. what s marco rubio doing
as ben carson is in re-examining the rules. appreciate the time. and still ahead major developments out of the jeb bush campaign. a top campaign official is leaving. what this means for his struggling campaign plus new accusations of sexism against bernie sanders and his staff from hillary clinton supporters. what is behind those allegations? a shift in strategy, the white house sending specialops forces on the ground in syria to fight the war against the islamic state. well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. that s 5 extra gigs for the same price. so five more gigs for the same price? yea, allow me to demonstrate. you like that pretzel? yea. 50% more data for the same price.
campaign. i will not put american boots on the ground in syria. i will not pursue an open-ended action like iraq or afghanistan. i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. i won t commit our troops to fighting another ground war in iraq or in syria. well, joining me now is the ranking member of the senate armed services committee. senator, let me start with this, you heard paul ryan say about a serious strategy, that he doesn t think the administration has one. the administration says it s the same strategy. this is an additional tactic. what say you? well, there s a strategy against isil, which is the major threat in the region and to the united states. they re the element the terrorist element that has talked about attacks outside the region and if they could do it, would probably try to accomplish