when that 31%. what jumps out at me is people attribute certain characteristics to the candidate they think they know most about and most favorable at the current moment. the most important number you mentioned was the favorability, sky high favorability for ben carson, too often people lock trump and person together as outsiders, they are actually yin and yang, they couldn t be more different. the kind of people who support donald trump are very different from the sorts of people who support and carson. they have different styles, they have different positions on the issues, different approaches, carson has the most room to grow of those two out fighters. martha: there is some talk that they should run together. but too early to say. that is the headline to take away from it today, thanks so much. we will see you soon.
of the vehicle driven by the shooter but whether it had two or four boards. we need the public s help on this law enforcement is asking if anyone driving along interstate 40 in new mexico s largest 40 near exit 155 yesterday afternoon before rush hour to please call police. martha: thank you. bill: donald trump doubling down on his comments about 9/11. other republicans question whether he knew what he is talking about when it comes to national security issues. i said listen, the world trade center came down during there s nothing save one world trade center was attacked and came down during his reign. that is not saved. jeb said our country was safe. that is not the case. reporter: congressman peter king is taking serious issue with comments like that. he will explain live in a moment. martha: hillary clinton support is unleashing a wave of attacks on the benghazi committee attacking their credibility before she appears there on the
debating of trump. what does trump do. this is all part of the rurks st of the ruse that has become donald trump. breaking news are martha. martha: we just learned that the house will select and vote its speaker next week. we are waiting for republicans to wrap up the meeting after paul ryan announced he s willing to step up and run for house speaker. they will choose their leadership october 28. the floor votes october 29. bill: you have got a debate that same day. martha: yes, you do. we have become the problem. if my colleagues entrust me to be the speaker i want us to become the solution.
the situation. is easier for some of the other candidates cause they are still unknown. marco rubio is relatively unknown, john kasich relatively unknown, carly fiorina went way up after that debate has gone way down. guess what? there is another debate next week. i wouldn t be surprised if she did well again. she may go back. the old roller coaster syndrome for party primaries. martha: we will see. i want to see, favorability new hampshire, donald trump bent jeb bush basically tied for favorability and carson is way above them on that measure at 74%. let s go through a little more of this, look at the next one which is donald trump, most authentic, most ready to be president, ties with jeb bush in new hampshire and who can best handle vladimir putin?
you have to look at it. martha: what to do you think? donald trump is talking before aquino s what he s talking about. i have been critical of people in the muslim community but you can t be shutting down mosques. we should have surveillance of mosques, find out what is going on in a mosque, is their activity in that mosque, weapons or conspiracy going on, yes you can take action but casually away donald trump seems to be talking about shutting down mosques, no. if you know plot is going on in a mosque you to take action. we have freedom of religion. my position is not against the muslims, the radicals in the muslim community. martha: that is the position most people in this country take, people want to stop terrorists wherever they are and if they are they can t turn a blind eye to either. let me ask about my hearing going on this morning.