conservancy which is a coalition that was initially formed by the mission creek harbor association and various environmental groups in response to a proposed development by catellas (sounds like) and mission bay. catellas embrace the goal of preserving and enhancing the habitat. mission creek conservancy members and volunteers together with catellas has created tidal wetlands habitat along the banks of the creek and also adjacent upland habitat. this habitat provides home to a wide variety of plants and wildlife including grey blue heron, snowy pelican, and this bat ray, the conservancy also developed landscape areas where there are flowering plants that support specific butterfly species, there are seven butterfly species resident of that upland habitat. i thank the conservancy and their members for these beautiful photographs. pier 94 wetlands involved the construction of the new marine terminal; the shoreline south, at pier 92, and north of the paved terminal at pier 94 wa
development consider the place a blank slate. wait a minute. there s a lot here that really needs to be taken care of. the fact that it is within a mile of the downtown area and these wonderful, charismatic shorebirds are there told us that there is really something that needs to be done so we formed a conservancy, about half of us from the creek, half from other places to publicize what was there and needed to be preserved. i am proud to say that we have been successful. the species, the number of species of birds has increased from about 50 which we counted earlier on two over 100 now. the number of individual birds has about doubled. the number of steps of habitat restoration, fortunatetely catella joined right in with us once we presented the idea. the harbor association and the conservancy to care of it directly. they accepted our recommendation for hiring a wetlands consultant, michael josland (sounds like) who stayed with them for years and years including directing an
so in 2006, with funding from california state coastal conservancy, the san francisco bay natural resources section trust, and the port s capital budget we undertook habitat improvements at pier 94 that included removing those debris piles and piles of tires and asphalt to create a more natural wetland plain and tidal inundation channels and placing a sand and gravel burm. in doing so we created five acres of new wetlands area, and improved water circulation and habitat quality overall. following construction the golden gate audubon society really adopted this site and they have worked side-by-side with the port ever since to conduct monitoring required by our permits for the project, to monitor the success of the habitat restoration. they undertook a project to plant and endangered tidal marsh called california seablight once abundant in san francisco bay. today pier 94 supports a small but healthy wetland with wide variety of common and uncommon birds sighted by birdwatcher
california state coastal conservancy, the san francisco bay natural resources section trust, and the port s capital budget we undertook habitat improvements at pier 94 that included removing those debris piles and piles of tires and asphalt to create a more natural wetland plain and tidal inundation channels and placing a sand and gravel burm. in doing so we created five acres of new wetlands area, and improved water circulation and habitat quality overall. following construction the golden gate audubon society really adopted this site and they have worked side-by-side with the port ever since to conduct monitoring required by our permits for the project, to monitor the success of the habitat restoration. they undertook a project to plant and endangered tidal marsh called california seablight once abundant in san francisco bay. today pier 94 supports a small but healthy wetland with wide variety of common and uncommon birds sighted by birdwatchers on a regular basis. some of