KIRKWOOD, Calif. Kirkwood Mountain Resort co-founder Dick Reuter loved living in the snowy Sierra Nevada, where he could backpack, hunt and fish. “He was a tree feller his whole life. He was strong as.
Contact 6 asks around about proof of vaccination requirements
Contact 6 asks around about proof of vaccination requirements
A lot of people are looking forward to summer festivals, stadium events, and travel. But, what will it take for our favorite events to return to normal?
MILWAUKEE - A lot of people are looking forward to summer festivals, stadium events, and travel. But, what will it take for our favorite events to return to normal?
Contact 6 reached out to several local venues about proof of vaccination requirements.
If music brings people together, it’s no surprise The Cheap Shots are finding gigs hard to come by. Of the 20 festivals the Milwaukee cover band booked in 2020, every event was called off due to the coronavirus.
The travel industry has continued to struggle throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. But some advisors believe better days for the industry are on the horizon.