West Alexandria news
Birthdays this week: Tyler Studebaker, Sandy Chapman, Emma Fergus, Cole McNinch, Weston Bassler, Jeff Suchland, NIkki Studebaker, Nancy Lockhart, Candace Jones, Brandon Miller, Tracey DeLong, Melissa Cobb, Sarah Randolph, Jeanne Creech, Eric Walker, Linda Pegg, Joe Ferriell and in memory of Jerry Schmidt.
Anniversaries this week: Mark and Judy Bassler, Mark and Shannon Latvala, Matt and Kathy Carpenter, Landon and Michelle Bailey, Joe and Laini Ferriell, Rex and Teresa Wysong.
Smoked Chicken or Pork Chop Dinners
The West Alexandria Celebration Committee is selling Smoked Chicken or Pork Chop Dinners on Sunday, May 23, from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. at the WA Fire Dept. on U.S. 35 W. All funds raised will be used to help pay for toys purchased for Santa Villa and the July 4 fireworks.