The Quezon City government named on Wednesday, Oct. 12, six individuals and six organizations as this year’s Gawad Parangal awardees for their exemplary projects to help their communities. The awarding ceremony was held at the Elements Centris as part of the city's 82nd founding anniversary. Mayor
AWARDEES. Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte (left) and Vice Mayor Gian Sotto (right) pose with Gawad Parangal awardee Dr. Leandro Resurreccion III during the awarding ceremony at Centris on Tuesday evening (Oct. 12, 2021). This year's awardees include six individuals and six organizations who have done exemplary deeds amid the Covid-19 pandemic. (Photo grabbed from QC government Facebook page) MANILA - The Quezon City government honored and recognized six individuals and six organizations for their exemplary deeds amid the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic as part of the city's 82nd founding anniversary. During the Manuel Luis Quezon Gawad Parangal 2021 at the Elements, Centris in Quezon City on Tuesday night, Mayor Joy Belmonte lauded the awardees for going beyond themselves to help and inspire other people. "We all have a selfless spirit inside us. Our awardees are proof of the truth that altruism is innate in our society. They will be the first to tell you that they