Earlier this year, for the current fiscal 2024 budget covering the time period from July 1 through June 30, 2024 the three-member supervisors board made proposed spending cuts after already drafting a budget to fill a $1.74 million gap from a bill correcting a state error that left local governments down millions in expected revenue
Linn County may fine property owners who fail to reduce lead hazards to protect vulnerable residents, including those in older owner-occupied homes or those in substandard rental housing where landlords may lack incentives to address these health risks.
The Linn County Board of Supervisors is enacting a policy to help county staff handle incidents of workplace violence by employees or the public, making clear that physical, verbal or visual threats or other disruptive behavior are not allowed on county property.
The Linn County Board of Supervisors unanimously advanced on second consideration tighter restrictions in its ordinance governing utility-scale solar projects Wednesday. That leaves one more week for the supervisors to hear public input and make changes before voting to adopt the ordinance Sept. 20.