05/10/2023 - Two fiction feature films, three series and six documentaries are set to be presented during the 20th Reykjavik International Film Festival’s Industry Days
On that occasion, word got out, and a bunch of rowdy Newfoundlanders surrounded the aircraft at 3:20 am, and woke the Queen up by singing, “For she’s a jolly good fellow,” in the most Newfoundlandiest thing to ever happen in Newfoundland. The Queen made a short and gracious speech. One imagines the Duke recommending having them all flogged.
But perhaps that’s a bit unfair. The late Prince Philip is often portrayed as a haughty, unyielding sort of fellow, quick with an unfiltered quip, but he had his human side too. The schedule set for the Royal couple in 1959 was an exhausting parade of stuffy official dinners and being paraded around endlessly, but on they went. Mustn’t complain.