According to provincial police, a tragic incident unfolded during a fishing trip in a northeastern Quebec village on Saturday, resulting in the deaths of four children.The group, consisting of 11 people who were fishing for capelin on foot near the shore, was caught off guard by the rising tide.After an emergency call reported the group
Residents of a small northeastern Quebec village are devastated by the news that a local man and two of his children were among five people killed in a weekend fishing mishap, one of the man's relatives said Sunday.
Residents of a small northeastern Quebec village are devastated by the news that a local man and two of his children were among five people killed in a weekend fishing mishap, one of the man's relatives said Sunday.
The man and four children were part of a group of 11 people who were fishing capelin in the Gulf of St. Lawrence on foot when they were caught up in the rising tide
Residents of a small northeastern Quebec village are devastated by the news that a local man and two of his children were among five people killed in a weekend fishing mishap, one of the man's relatives said Sunday.