i don t think there s a lot of comparisons, frankly, between the two of us. and i ll tell you i ve got a lot more heart and compassion than this president. i d never separate children from mothers at the border. he s brought embarrassment to the united states of america and it s time we restore respect to the office. well, he ran on immigration, okay, and it seemed to work for him. so what s your signature issue? do you have one? well, i was asked that the other day and i m going to repeat my answer. my signature issue, don, above all else is the truth, period. we need to get back to the truth in government, disclosing honestly what has happened. this president has avoided accountability for too long. my signature issue is the truth, whether it s foreign policy, domestic issues. i m going to be releasing in the next two to three days a position paper that s going to outline my position on a number of issues.
scandal is revealing problems among administration officials. there was 30 officials, including jared kushner who a year into the administration cannot get full security clearance because of background check info. white house council don mcgann new from the earliest days of the administration. in the first month, porter warned mcgann his ex-wives may complicate the interview process. in november, the white house security office told the white house council that porter s clearance was held up by domestic issues. and recently a porter ex-girlfriend called mcgahn to express concerns because he is
extraordinarily hard working patriotic and knowledgeable experts and if you are not getting their perspective, their detailed perspective, then you are flying blind. i believe he didn t take it every day either, but what do you make of his assessment that you are flying blind without the critical assessment of the people in the intel community? it s just not true. he s doing his intelligence briefings every day, and we do the presidential briefing. i think this week we ll have three presidential briefings in the five days. i mean, this is a little bit ridiculous and over the top. look, he s very prepared. we spent all day, every day, in his office, every half an hour meeting with someone different, whether it be about world affairs, domestic issues, interviews for cabinet positions. yesterday, he spoke with president obama as well for
you have southern democrats that were not necessarily a majority. but they point to health care. they say he was able to get health care passed and there was a lot of opposition to health care. wayne, i m fascinated by we re talking about obama and lbj, but to me there is another former president here who speaks today who i think has a lot of interest to seeing a presidency looked at in a different way and that is president george w. bush. he was the last president to speak today. he s got the same issue in many ways that lbj had to deal with when it came to the war that was unpopular that drags down his legacy. and i have to think, when president bush comes here this afternoon and he looks at the library and he focuses as we all are this week on the civil rights and the social, domestic issues, but he has to think that you look at the vietnam war and how it is looked at in a different way. maybe his library and maybe his legacy will be viewed in difrn
saying we are going to pull out of iraq, get out of afghanistan, the decade of war is over. here is president bush with just a reminder. he has been very quiet in so many ways that i thinks that it s important to stay involved in terms of our own national security. reporter: you know, martha i think sooner or later most presidents get around to the fact that foreign police is kind of a core function of the executive branch and therefore of the president. foreign policy cannot be set pie the states, it can t be set by the private sector, it isn t be executed nation nat security issues cannot be executed by any other branch of government or any private entity. this is the business of the federal government and the exclusive province of the federal government and sooner or later every president has to come to terms with it. it tends not to be issues that elect presidents unless it s reaction toss an unpopular war or something like that. most of the people people are voting pocketbook,