built up a firm coalition for what ought we do about al qaeda? i would have done a mass effort to train americans in arabic, pashtu, urdu, dari, to get ourselves ready to do something we knew would be very, very difficult. somebody answer. i can t think of any president that would be just like okay let s take a year and wouldn t be impeached. the blood lust was so strong. i freely admit it. i know it would have been a hard almost impossible case to make. but i still think that s what we should have done. could it have been done differently and more effectively? sure. however, i think at that time that was the only decision president bush could have made. the american people i think expected retaliation. quickly. let s go. i was at a dinner in washington here with several senators in about 2007 and a
Dari hasil penyelidikan diketahui barang haram tersebut dikirim oleh CNR yang beralamat di Kelurahan Bastiong yang dikirim untuk warga binaan atas nama AU.
Perayaan HUT ke-28 diaktifkannya kembali pasar modal 16 tahun silam, diwarnai kabar rencana hengkangnya Komatsu Indonesia dari lantai bursa dalam negeri.\n
Ketika dunia belum juga pulih dari pandemi, harapan untuk mempercepat vaksinasi salah satunya disematkan pada Serum Institute of India, produsen vaksin terbesar sejagat. Di balik masifnya produksi Serum, ada sosok sang pendiri, Cyrus Poonawalla.\n