JBM Auto Ltd on Tuesday said it has bagged an order from Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) for supply of 700 BS-VI compliant AC low-floor CNG buses. The company will be supplying 700 CITYLIFE BS-VI buses, equipped with modern features like smartcard ticketing system, real-time passenger information system (PIS), intelligent transport management system (ITMS), automatic bus vehicle location system and CCTV cameras, among others, in the coming financial year, JBM Auto said in a statement. . these buses are expected to cater to 50 million passengers per annum, covering around 20 routes across Delhi, it added. The buses also have features like electronic braking system, public address system and kneeling mechanism, wherein the bus kneels 60 mm towards the passengers door side to facilitate boarding and alighting of senior citizens, children and the specially-abled.
JBM Auto bags order from DTC for supply of 700 BS-VI compliant AC low-floor CNG buses
The buses also have features like electronic braking system, public address system and kneeling mechanism, wherein the bus kneels 60 mm towards the passengers door side to facilitate boarding and alighting of senior citizens, children and the specially-abled.
Low floor buses parked in a DTC depot in Delhi
JBM Auto Ltd on Tuesday said it has bagged an order from Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) for supply of 700 BS-VI compliant AC low-floor CNG buses. The company will be supplying 700 CITYLIFE BS-VI buses, equipped with modern features like smartcard ticketing system, real-time passenger information system (PIS), intelligent transport management system (ITMS), automatic bus vehicle location system and CCTV cameras, among others, in the coming financial year, JBM Auto said in a statement.