•AIRPORT The Arc of South Carolina, The Arc of the U.S., Columbia Metro Airport (CAE), Delta Air Lines, and Enterprise Holdings will co-host Wings for All Saturday, October 28, 8 a.m., CAE Airport, 3250 Airport Boulevard, West Columbia. The Wings program is a chance for people with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)
The University of Central Missouri OVATION Performance Series presents two concerts for the fall 2023 season. OVATION is a curated selection of world-class dancers, musicians, and theatre performers who bring exceptional high-energy artistry to West-Central Missouri. The series opens at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28 with a performance by the Adam Larson Jazz Quintet in Hart Recital Hall. October brings the SOLI Chamber Ensemble to Warrensburg.
•ART Alexandra’s Art Studio, 111 Sparkleberry Crossing Road, offers adult classes, kids classes, kids camps, and art class groups. Visit artstudiocola.com •BABY SHOWER Gethsemane Young Woman’s Auxiliary will present Step Right Up and Welcome Little Peanut CommUNITY Baby Shower September 9, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Brookland Baptist Church, Christian Learning Center, 1066 Sunset Boulevard, West Columbia.
•ART Alexandra’s Art Studio, 111 Sparkleberry Crossing Road, offers adult classes, kids classes, kids camps, and art class groups. Visit artstudiocola.com •BABY SHOWER Gethsemane Young Woman’s Auxiliary will present Step Right Up and Welcome Little Peanut CommUNITY Baby Shower September 9, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Brookland Baptist Church, Christian Learning Center, 1066 Sunset Boulevard, West Columbia.