At a special meeting, the BJP-dominated general board, approved the civic body’s Rs 2,843 crore budget for 2024-25 with Standing Committee Chairman Jaymin Thakar saying the budget was approved unanimously.
The standing committee of Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) has rejected an additional tax burden of Rs 17.77 crore proposed by the municipal commissioner. The committee presented a revised budget with additional development projects and schemes for senior citizens and disabled people. Check out the revised budget and its impact on the city's development.
During a meeting on Tuesday, the RMC Standing Committee approved the proposal of the civic body's Animal Nuisance Control Department (ANCD) to adopt, with some modifications, the Guidelines for Animal Nuisance Control in Urban Areas (GANCUA), 2023.
There was complete chaos in Rajkot Municipal Corporation’s standing committee meeting room as BJP workers and supporters pushed their way soon after the BJP coordination meeting to nominate candidates for the posts of Rajkot Mayor, Deputy Mayor and standing committee chairman got over Tuesday.