about the process, and we will have a good result. i am not going prejudge it, but i will follow the science. when you are talking about making the decision based on the science, that is what you dead when you issued a vaccine mandate for state workers and there are reports that there are roughly about 8% of the 60,000 state government employees in washington state that are requesting the religious or medical exemptions and that is thousands of people, and how do you balance that making sure that the exemptions are granted and warranted without people trying to abuse the system? well, first off, where we start this discussion is, is the public deserves to be protected from being infected by public servants. we owe an obligation to the public servants not the infect the public. sot this is a very important requirement for the public servants in the state of washington and also doing it on the federal level and doing for it the health care workers and our educators, and so this is a
very sound basic obligation that we have to the citizens that we serve. but there are some potential exemptions for the people with medical situations and for those with sincere religious objections is, and we will see if those can be accommodated. some of those may have been accommodate and some may not be accommodated in which case we will have other folks to be replaced in public service. we hope that everybody is going to strive to be vaccinated, because it is an american thing to do, and george washington started this concept in 1775 when he required all of his soldiers to be vaccinated and the constitutional basis of this was affirmed in 1905 in the jaycus decision, and for all of the students, so this is a common decision against the common foe. we can only defeat this common foe by common action.
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strictest vaccine mandates in the country. governor, since we are awaiting this vote on the boosters, what are you hoping they designed what are you hearing from your own state officials on this very topic? i hope and i have every confidence they will be making a decision based on the best data available, and doing the right thing which is to carefully review the evidence and the data from all over the world, and then making a scientifically sound decision. i think that the process of making that decision involves asking good questions and hard questions which they are doing, so i feel that we will get a good result, and follow the result and save hundreds of thousands of lives by following that result. so in this nation, when we make a decision based on science, and make decisions based on the common good, we can beat a common enemy, and that is covid right now, and so i feel good