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Supply will be disconnected as authorities are carrying out maintenance and repair work on power supply installations and infrastructure., Bengaluru News, Times Now
The dread walk
Nandi Durga Road, residents demand Palike widen the two-metre-wide path
The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has taken up a project to develop and improve the footpaths along Nandi Durga Road. The project covering the one-and-a-half-kilometre stretch is estimated to cost Rs 2 crore.
If the width of the footpath along the compound of
Archbishop’s House is any indication, the civic body is interested in spending the tax-payer’s money but does not care about the welfare of pedestrians as they construct footpaths in the City. The BBMP engineer incharge of this footpath claimed that its width is more than a metre and it is pedestrian-friendly but residents disagree.