The Lumber River Council of Governments (LRCOG) celebrated 51 years of regional excellence and recognized individuals who have given their time and energy…
LAURINBURG — An employee at Service Thread in Laurinburg was doing well on her job so the natural course of action was to give that employee a pay raise…
Over 500 patrons gathered at the Ambassadors on Hagley Park Road to witness the second staging of the National Prophetic Summit (NPS) hosted by the Maryland-based GIFTED Network on July 14-15. The two-day event featured the spiritually charged.
M ore than 500 patrons gathered at the Ambassadors on Hagley Park Road to witness the second staging of the National Prophetic Summit (NPS) hosted by the Maryland-based GIFTED Network on th.
(RNS) In 1973, Mormon author Carol Lynn Pearson's feature article for the 'Ensign' magazine was pulled at the last minute, and she was banned from writing about women for Church publications. What was controversial then has become the party line.