That was when the Supreme Court issued its Citizens United ruling. If you listen to a lot of people especially democrats though say that was a terrible day because it let all kinds of money and influence back into elections. I would argue itwas a scary date for a different reason. Not anything to do with dark money or more money, more money is good for free speech but for another reason and that was democrats had come to rely on a lot of these campaignfinance rules and freespeech rules to keep their opponents from speaking in elections and when all that went away, the Supreme Court opened up the gates again for people to speak. They said okay, if we cant outright bar them we will do the next best thing. We will threaten, we will harass, we will intimidate and tell them they will pay a political price if they continue to take part in elections. We had conversations about this online and these were the discussions had right after that we saw in congress to do that with legislation that w