specific about that. brian: he s talking about generalitiys about unnamed cuts. jay carny goes on to admit if the president s proposal went to the democratically controlled senate it would not last. 92 where is the leadership. brian: running 1.1 trillion. they are unable to pass a budget for the last three years and you probably think that the fiscal cliff would not address these things. gretchen: don t you recall that the president said he had no interest in speaking to republicans until they agree to the tax increase on the top two percent wage earners . so that really doesn t. maybe he and jay carny hasn t had meetings. maybe they are not on the same page or maybe it is on purpose. to send out a different message. steve: the message in the
generation of americans, this is probably going to be the first time in our history where because of all the debt we are bestowing upon future generations, their lives will not be as full as ours. so the republicans should be willing to say you know what? it s the noble thing to do. let s go ahead. let s just jump off that cliff with the president of the united states, let s strap on our parachutes for the kids and future generations. gretchen: yesterday jay carney said that the president has been talking about entitlement spending and that it s part of his agenda. steve: just not in public! gretchen: yeah. so there seems to be a disconnect there as well. brian: i wish they would stop cutting and talk about restructuring. he s got to redo the formula. it s not about denying anybody anything. a lot of people saying the simpson bowles commission, grabbed senator simpson out of retirement. they tell erskine bowles, get out of the private sector. we need to you form this committee
jay carny revealed yesterday. gretchen just said it is not a tax problem it is the way they waste our money. jay carny said deficit reduction is not the goal. are you kidding? here he is. deficit reduction is not the goal here. the reason to get our fiscal house in order and the reason to pass a deficit reduction package that is balanced and allows for economic growth is to put our economy on a sustainable fiscal path which again, in itself produces positive economic benefits and revenues are part of it this. the president put forth and entitlement reforms and savings gleaned from our health care entitlement programs need to be a part of it. the president has been
going forward my thought prayers are with dave and holly petraeus who did so much to help military families through her own work. i wish them the best at this difficult time. as for the fbi investigation, in the end fbi agents did not find evidence of criminal activity. thank you very much. general petraeus was one of the first to brief law makers followinglet u.s. mission in libya. katherine herage has the latest. in the white house, jay carny pushed back on allegations that the administration was not forth coming on the benghazi attack. specifically what happened at 5:00 in the white whoit. the president was made aware of the developments throughout the evening and days ensuing and i am not what your question is specifically.
gretchen: it s been almost two months since the attack on our consulate in benghazi, libya, that left four americans dead. we still don t have all the answers. even though the president said he s on a mission to try and get them. the election has nothing to do with four brave americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened. these are folks who served under me that i had sent to some very dangerous places. nobody wants to find out more what happened than i do. gretchen: but just yesterday, white house press secretary jay carney told reporters that the president isn t actively participating in the investigation. so where is the sense of urgency and is the media letting the president off the hook? we turn to our political panel, editor in chief of reason magazine, matt welch, former controller general of the united states and founder of come back america initiative, david