Today police are saying these protestors crossed legal boundaries and there are consequences. nat of protesting its happened in at least three catholic churches in las vegas. Anti catholic protestors shouting repent and turn to jesus christ. Pope is satan pope is satan the disturbances began months ago but today the Catholic Diocese of las vegas is finally speaking out. Our concern is for the safety of parishioners and the staff at each of the churches. Police have responded to at least three protests. One at st. Viator one at Bishop Gorman and another at our lady of las vegas. These persons are obviously disrespecting these houses of worship. While we all hav freedom of speech these churches are on private property and the state of nevada has laws that protect churches from this type of behavior. Persons are not allowed to go it be catholic or otherwise and disturb, speak out loud, cause noise, and disturb the worship process. The security manager for the Las Vegas Diocese says people