"Reap," "Ideas, Ideals, Criticism and Concerns" and "Don t Fall in Love and Chronicles of the Ordinary" exhibits, respectively, noon-5 pm Thursdays-Saturdays, 1/14-2/27 (artist talks by Mur & Drier 5 pm, 1/28, via Facebook; click through for link).
"Reap," "Ideas, Ideals, Criticism and Concerns" and "Don t Fall in Love and Chronicles of the Ordinary" exhibits, respectively, noon-5 pm Thursdays-Saturdays, 1/14-2/27 (artist talks by Mur & Drier 5 pm, 1/28, via Facebook; click through for link).
"Reap," "Ideas, Ideals, Criticism and Concerns" and "Don t Fall in Love and Chronicles of the Ordinary" exhibits, respectively, noon-5 pm Thursdays-Saturdays, 1/14-2/27 (artist talks by Mur & Drier 5 pm, 1/28, via Facebook; click through for link).