Over the past 25 years Jason McLean has seen his art featured in galleries across North America, but watching his work move across the exterior wall of a…
Over the past 25 years Jason McLean has seen his art featured in galleries across North America, but watching his work move across the exterior wall of a…
Permanent Colours by The Cyrillic Typewriter is a timbral palette of dense drones, oscillations, and sonic layers for one’s ears to pick through. Released in October 2020 on the notable Jaz Records, it features Jason Zumpano playing synthesisers, rhodes piano, electric guitar, bass, piano, and percussion; and features Terri Upton on the double bass. Vancouver electronic/ambient artist, Loscil also has a hand in the colour arranging with processing on tracks “New Noise” and “Naive Rhythm.” The cover art spotlighting an animate green orb was done by Canadian artist, Jason McLean, who is based in Brooklyn.The opening track, “Torn Pocket,” features a low dense, pulsating, drone that Zumpano gradually introduces splashes of piano, synth, and guitar to ornament it. These intermittent sounds are gentle and feel like they are in dialogue with each other. The track really opens up with more rhythmic motivic development over the halfway mark, with pianos