LEWISTOWN Legend has it that if you eat goose on Sept. 29, you will ensure wealth and prosperity for the coming year. Lock in your luck by visiting the Juniata River Valley this September for the annual Goose Day celebration. What is Goose Day? It all started in 1786 when a young Englishman named […]
The Mifflin County Industrial Development Corp. and the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce hosted a virtual entrepreneurial meet-up on Wednesday, Jan. 27. via Zoom. The meeting is for a free and open exchange of entrepreneurial/small business driven ideas and advice as well as to review and discuss the Paycheck Protection Program/PPP. Local entrepreneurs also discussed new updates and expansion plans for their businesses.
Ryan Cherry and Lilah Cherry, owners of East End Coffee Co. in Lewistown, have been working on a second location in Reedsville, which will not be up for a couple of months but is in the works.