more now on tsa security procedures including the constitutionality of body scanners. after that a security expert talks about defending against terrorism with smart intelligence and later a look at the effectiveness of current security. this is 12 hours and 35 minutes. those who are watching us on c-span or following the streaming video or the tweets along to you can learn more information about the conference and this topic at we also have a trigger - tag which is scantsa. as for our program, we will have one more panel this morning. there will be a break for lunch. there will be a keynote speech next by bruce snyder and then our closing panel today will look at next steps for the reform, and that is particularly interesting panel. we will have on that panel new york city council member david greenfield who has introduced a bill in the new york city council to simply ban on the airport body scanners in new york. we are also going to be joined by a st