Above all there is sadness and there is dread, because each new development could bring the name of another child who now no longer is, who can only be talked about in the past tense as someone who was, or worse, someone who might have been, might have been anything at all, perhaps even the first one day to live in a world where what happened last night never happens to anyones child or parent ever again. 22 people were mortally wounded during the Arianna Grande concert. John atkinson was a 26yearold college student. Georgina callander was 18. She loved disney and animals, she had just started driving and was studying health. Saffie rose rrs oussos, the thot that one could go to a conditce and not come home. Saffie rose soussos. There are many remaining to be identifi identified. Cha Charlotte Campbell has not been able to find her daughter. Paul hutchinson spoke earlier today. Charlotte describing the last nightti nighttime time she heard from her daughter. And to not give up hope loo