Unfall: 24-jähriger NHL-Goalie stirbt bei privater Party
Der lettische Eishockey-Nationaltormann Matiss Kivlenieks vom NHL-Club Columbus Blue Jackets ist im Alter von 24 Jahren gestorben. Wie sein Verein am Montag mitteilte, kam er am Sonntagabend bei einem „tragischen Unfall“ ums Leben.
Ein Gerichtsmediziner in Michigan sagte später, die Autopsie habe ergeben, dass Kivlenieks an einem Brusttrauma durch eine fehlgeleitete Feuerwerksexplosion gestorben sei und nicht an einem Sturz, wie die Behörden zuvor berichtet hatten.
Die Polizei in Novi/Michigan hatte erklärt, dass es bei einer Privatparty zum US-Nationalfeiertag zu einer Fehlfunktion eines Feuerwerks gekommen sei. Aufgrund dessen seien mehrere Personen aus einem Whirlpool geflohen, darunter auch Kivlenieks. Der Verstorbene sei beim Verlassen des Whirlpools ausgerutscht und mit dem Kopf auf den Beton aufgeschlagen. „Im Moment gehen wir von einem tragischen Unfall aus“, sagte Jason Meier von der Polizei Novi.
Columbus Blue Jackets goaltender
Matiss Kivlenieks, 24, died in a tragic firework accident on Sunday (July 4) night. Kivlenieks was relaxing in a hot tub at a private party in Novi, Michigan, when another group of people lit off a mortar-style firework.
The firework tilted slightly and shot towards the hot tub. Kivlenieks tried to get out of the way, but the firework struck him in the chest.
Parademics arrived and rushed Kivlenieks to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Police initially believed he died from striking his head on the concrete as he fell out of the hot tub, but the preliminary autopsy report revealed he died due to chest trauma from the firework.
Columbus Blue Jackets goaltender
Matiss Kivlenieks, 24, died in a tragic firework accident on Sunday (July 4) night. Kivlenieks was relaxing in a hot tub at a private party in Novi, Michigan, when another group of people lit off a mortar-style firework.
The firework tilted slightly and shot towards the hot tub. Kivlenieks tried to get out of the way, but the firework struck him in the chest.
Parademics arrived and rushed Kivlenieks to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Police initially believed he died from striking his head on the concrete as he fell out of the hot tub, but the preliminary autopsy report revealed he died due to chest trauma from the firework.
Columbus Blue Jackets goaltender
Matiss Kivlenieks, 24, died in a tragic firework accident on Sunday (July 4) night. Kivlenieks was relaxing in a hot tub at a private party in Novi, Michigan, when another group of people lit off a mortar-style firework.
The firework tilted slightly and shot towards the hot tub. Kivlenieks tried to get out of the way, but the firework struck him in the chest.
Parademics arrived and rushed Kivlenieks to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Police initially believed he died from striking his head on the concrete as he fell out of the hot tub, but the preliminary autopsy report revealed he died due to chest trauma from the firework.
Blue Jackets Goalie Matiss Kivlenieks Dies After Fall Trying to Escape Fireworks Malfunction
From The Columbus Dispatch
COLUMBUS, Ohio Blue Jackets goaltender Matiss Kivlenieks died Sunday night as the result of an accident, police confirmed.
According to the Novi Police Department, which is still investigating, Kivlenieks, 24, appeared to sustain a head injury while trying to escape a hot tub after a fireworks malfunction.
“From what we can tell, we’re treating this as an accidental fall,” Novi Police Lt. Jason Meier said. “There was a fireworks malfunction and several people were fleeing a hot tub, including Matiss. It appears he slipped and fell getting out of the hot tub and hit his head on the concrete. There’s still an autopsy scheduled for (Monday) and we’re still investigating, but right now it just looks like a tragic accident.”