Joe Sullivan, Uber’s former chief of security, faces criminal charges for his handling of a 2016 security breach. His trial this week has divided the security industry.
What advice would you give to aspiring security leaders? “You must be able to explain fundamental concepts in a way a layperson can understand. The more you’re able to simplify the complex and explain in simplistic terms as you educate, the more successful you will be.”
Headliners include Kevin Gaskell, former CEO of successful world-class brands such as Porsche and Lamborghini and Dex Hunter-Torricke, former communications exec with Facebook and Google DUBLIN
Jason Manar joined Kaseya as CISO in October, only a few months after the REvil cyber criminal group exploited the company's remote monitoring software update to launch a ransomware attack that affected the company's managed security provider clients and downstream customers. He spoke to SC Media during a recent eSummit on ransomware, detailing his transition from FBI investigator.