/PRNewswire/ Goliath Group, a family-owned global toy and games company, announced the acquisition of the Game Night in a Can license from game inventors.
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Real Fake News? Have you ever tried to act like funnyman actor Will Ferrell s Ron Burgundy (Anchorman) character, who has the ability to read aloud anything no matter how strange or inappropriate, without pause or embarrassment? Now, the fun of Anchorman is available for everyone to play at home, as the game guys at Barry & Jason Games and Entertainment have launched an official, officially brash Anchorman: The Game - Improper Teleprompter.
In an age when terms like fake news are part of the real news, the straight-faced anchorman role is even more fun to play. The Anchorman game, (MSRP $24.99 for 2-8 players ages 17+) is an adult party game where players compete by sabotaging other anchors news stories with ridiculous magnetic words and phrases to try and get them to laugh while reading the news.