great post game reaction to the state of the union address, jason j fits chaffetz will be with us, the world famous doctor bill bennett and what was the speech like for the trump family? who better to ask than eric trump, the president s on himself? 12 minutes from now on the channel you trust for your morning news, rob and jillian back with fox and friends first in a couple minutes. finally. you re still here? come on, denise. we re voya! we stay with you to and through retirement. .with solutions to help provide income throughout. i get that voya is with me through retirement, i m just surprised it means in my kitchen. oh. [whispering] so that means no breakfast? i said there might be breakfast. i was really looking forward to breakfast. i know. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
new fbi documents landing james comey back in the spotlight after it was revealed he began drafting and exoneration letter for hillary clinton and the investigation into her before he even interviewed her. he was already thinking about letting her off the hook about her private email server. tray got he wants comey to testify again to look into this further and former congressman james jason j fits chaffetz is suspicious about the timeline of eventss. it was released for distribution in the fbi two month before they interviewed the key witness, hillary clinton. two of the people sitting in on that meeting have been given immunity and act as her attorney, something director comey said in the history of his career he had never ever seen before. rob: tray gouty plans to speak to comey s former colleagues.
the country is being tested in unprecedented ways. lawmakers on capitol hill, jason j fits tweeting, quote, the oversight is going to get the comey memo if it exists. i need to see it sooner rather than later. i have my subpoena pen ready. this as the white house continues to inflame the disclosure of classified information of russian officials of the dangers of continued leaks ahead of the president s first overseas trip to the middle east. the news cycle continues. jim rish is a member of the intel committee and been part of the investigation into russia since the beginning, he is slamming the latest leaks saying the media will publish anything and whoever release the information is guilty of treason.
the president s remanrks come a day after he huddled with his national security team inside the white house situation room. his advisers updating i m hn evidence suggesting the killers in this week s san bernardino shooting massacre were radicalized before they gunned down and killed 14 people. today the father of one of the shoot es syed rizwan farook admitted to an italian newspaper his son shared the ideology of the ason j leader al baghdadi. can the president reassure he has a plan to restrdestroy isis keep us safe? an uphill battle for the president. only 38% of americans right now approve of how the president is handling terrorism. that down six points from our poll back in february. we re covering the historic address like no other network can. our team of correspondents, analysts and guests from acrosses ka croscross the country and around the world are standing by. let s begin our coverage with