future most likely rests in the hands of his girlfriend judy simora. i love her. i mean, when you are with somebody for a long a time, whatever, living with each other, you know, are going to develop problems, but i know it s never going to be like it was. though she was left badly bruised, gaillard said he only slapped simora during an argument. later simora recanted her claim to police that she threatened her with a knife. but during our interview with her, she said she did so in order to protect him. i don t want to be responsible for him going back to jail. like i can said, i did really think he was going to kill me. i just didn t think he was. because of gaillard s criminal history, which includes prior violent crimes, whatever version simora testifies to in court, could be the difference between him going away for a few
judy simora, not only gives him money, but visits regularly, despite the beating she suffered at gaillard s hands, which led to his current incarceration. hello. who are you here to see? gaillard. we talk to each other pretty much every day on the phone. i come to see him every week. he obviously has issued, but i do care about him, and i do love him. simora says she expects to be called to testify at gaillard s trial. on charges including kidnapping and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. i ve got to play nice because of the situation. and do i harbor ill will or hard feelings towards her? i did initially. there is still a little animosity, of course, because i m in here. but i don t blame her for it. and i forgive her for it. just like she for gives me for
prison if found guilty. but he says now it s less of a concern because simora has recanted the knife claim. she said hey, this never happened. i lied about it. that s why i made my recant. you know, she admitted that she lied about it. so any jury is not going to find me guilty from her saying, i lied about it. they can t find you guilty. coming up. gaillard. his victim pays him a visit. i didn t real
chick, we always went at it all the time. and that is exactly why gailla are. he s now eight awaiting charges. he has pled not guilty, but admits to the physical confrontation with his girlfriend that led to his arrest. it started with accusations of cheating. s who is she messing with? pretty soon we was in each other s face, all it took was a fuse to get lit. and i put my hands on her. judy simora was left with two black eyes and other bruises. i ain t proud of that, but it happened. i ain t never done it before. first time i ever struck a woman. simora has also reported that gaillard held a knife to her throat, which has resulted in the most serious charge. aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. he could face up to 50 years in
couple of beers, he was drinking some vodka. we were having a good time. both gaillard and simora say on the night of the beating they accused each other of infideliti infidelities. at first he pulled my hair and then he slapped me up side the head. but then he continued to slap me. i didn t hit her with no closed fist, but still, i ain t making no excuses for it either. i mean, i slapped her up. then they drove to a friend s house. but things got worse. and gaillard stopped. he hit me a couple more times, and those two times was when i really got frightened. my eyes had been scratched, and i it was very painful. and i just thought it seemed like it was never going to end. she said she was scared, that i was going to hit her again, and so she left. and that s when she went to the police station. you ain t heard nothing from the da or nothing yet, huh?