The WRCC in Dickinson will receive over $344,000 to cover operating expenses after the center experienced a deficit caused by a pandemic-related decrease in memberships and rising inflation.
REGULAR MEETING DICKINSON CITY COMMISSION December 20, 2022 I. CALL TO ORDER President Scott Decker called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. II. ROLL CALL Present were: President Scott Decker, Vice President John Odermann and Commissioners Jason Fridrich, Suzi Sobolik and Robert Baer Absent: None 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ORDER OF BUSINESS MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: John Odermann To approve the December 20, 2022 Order of Business as presented with the removal of 3A. Christmas Eve Observed. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 5, Nay 0, Absent 0 Motion declared duly passed 2. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION BY: Robert Baer SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich A. Approval of meeting minutes dated December 6, 2022 B. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated January 31, 2022 and April 19, 2022 C. Approval of Accounts Payable, Commerce Bank and Checkbook DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 5, Nay 0, Absent 0 Motion declared duly passed 3. ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE A. Christmas Eve Observed – December 23, 2022 Re